Monday, March 23, 2009

One Rejection Letter On the Wall...

Sorry - to the maybe one person who actually follows my blog - about the lack of communication for the last month and a half. I've been hitting the homework hard this semester, because I finally got official word that I am graduating with all three degrees, which brings my total up to four BAs in five years! However, that means my entire life is put on hold as I concentrate on all the homework.
Aside from one thing.
Query letters.
I sent out a few more. I got my first rejection letter in a while and, honestly? It felt... GOOD! I'm so glad to be sending things back out there into the world with the hopes of publication. It's got all the information churning in my head once more as I seriously try to not only find publication for what's written, but I'm also starting to seriously write again, despite the new job, classes, lack of sleep... I feel more fueled on five hours of sleep and a new short story than any amount of time spent languishing in my bed could ever give me. I have purpose! I am my Muse's mouthpiece once more.
So, here's to the literary agency who sent me the rejection. Thank you. I'm on track once more and sending out with even more force!